Sunnyvale is a city located in Santa Clara County, California and one of the major cities in Silicon Valley. MedHelp Inc. is a successful medical billing company with over 20 years of quality experience helping the Sunnyvale community with their medical billing services. Our team of medical billing specialists is here to take your practice to the next level with outstanding billing services and personalized care tailored to your facilities unique needs!
We Are a Medical Billing Company of Experts
As an expert medical billing company, our team strives to strengthen your hospital or practice’s financial success and save you time while doing it. We know your time is valuable and better spent with patients. That is why we are here to offer valuable experience and knowledge when it comes to medical billing services. If you have any immediate concerns or want to know more about what we do, check out some of our customer’s frequently asked questions!
When you work with MedHelp Inc. we offer your specialized practice a wonderful management system, as well as training and IT support for office staff. Above all else, MedHelp Inc. is always committed to providing quality customer service to our physicians/hospitals. Our success in attaining and retaining clients is fundamentally due to the personal attention and service we provide to our physicians! The Sunnyvale community cites MedHelp Inc. as the best medical billing company for your practice’s needs.
Our Medical Billing Services
We have sorted our billing services and solutions into five unique categories for optimal efficiency depending on your practice’s needs.
- Physician & Facility Billing
- Urgent Care Center Billing
- FQHC/ Community Health Center Billing
- Mental Health & Substance Abuse Billing
- Medicaid/MCO Appeals & Recovery
Each service is outlined in detail and offers financial support for your facility’s specific needs. We know that an efficient payment system is vital to keeping your facility organized, successful, and profitable! MedHelp Inc. always prioritizes the best customer service and consistent peace of mind for you and your patients.
Emergency Department Medicaid/MCO Denial Appeals Program & Recovery Solutions
MedHelp has discovered that appealing emergency department underpayments (Medicaid/MCO Denials) are a task that nearly all facilities overlook… In most cases, some facilities never expect to collect this money and pre-write it off under the pretext of Doubtful Accounts, in other cases, it is simply a matter of a lack of personnel to facilitate this effort. It can also simply be an overlooked revenue stream.

Regardless of the supposition, MedHelp can provide immediate positive financial impact in this area and increase your staffing levels without increasing your capital expenditure and internal resources! What would this additional revenue stream mean to your facility, your physicians and your bottom line? It makes a difference!
Contact MedHelp Inc. for Trusted Medical Bill Services in Sunnyvale, California!
Medical practices and hospital facilities in Sunnyvale, California entrust MedHelp Inc. for their medical billing services and management. We value communication with our clients and prioritize high-quality customer service. For more information about us, contact MedHelp Inc. at (443) 524 4457 or toll-free at 1-800-275-6011!