Medical credentialing is a vital part of healthcare. The process of credentialing allows medical facilities to evaluate the credentials of many different healthcare practitioners. This way, it’s easier to tell whether or not those healthcare practitioners have the needed qualifications and licensing to properly care for your patients. While medical credentialing could be done in-house, we recommend outsourcing this task for a number of reasons.
Raise Returns-on-Investment
Did you know that medical credentialing could cost a medical facility as much as twenty-thousand dollars each year per applicant. When you outsource medical credentialing to a trusted credentialing company, your clinic could save anywhere from 20-80% on its expenses. This allows your medical facility to allocate your remaining finances to other areas.
Reduce Human Error
Medical credentialing is a highly complicated process. There’s a lot of fact-checking involved while verifying the credentials of various practitioners. When you combine this with the sheer number of practitioners that need to be reviewed, it’s easy for a practice to make mistakes if they try to perform medical credentialing in-house.
Letting a third-party company handle these procedures takes away this mental strain. This makes it more likely that credentialing will be carried out correctly and accurately.
Raise Turnaround Times
Typically, when getting medical credentialing done, healthcare facilities could take as long as 120 days before they verify the qualifications of medical practitioners. When you interact with multiple different providers, it could take an exceptionally long time before you can verify everybody’s credentials.
When you outsource these tasks to a credentialing company, turnaround times can go up substantially. Your applicants could get certified in roughly two weeks if you have the right credentialing system ready.
Improve Your Practice’s Efficiency
A lot of healthcare facilities have not-so-efficient processes. This leads to these facilities getting chaotic, and overall less efficient. It helps when you can work with a professional medical credentialing company. By entrusting medical credentialing to a third-party company, you save your staff an abundance of time and hassle. The right partner will be able to help you when looking at, verifying, modifying, and editing your files, ensuring that everything is current. This will allow your medical practice to run more efficiently.
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