No one enjoys a breakup and breaking up with your medical billing company is no exception. Not all relationships are able to last forever, and this statement rings true for intimate relationships as well as business relationships. But when the time comes to part ways, you want to handle the separating process as best you can. This situation could be uneasy for anyone, but there are some questions you will want to ask before you say your goodbyes. Here are questions you will want to ask your old medical billing company before you move on to another one.
Will We Have the Ability to Receive Our Data?
Because you are managing the clinical side, it is probable that you’ll be able to control all of your patient demographics. However, there is still the claim data itself and the payment data that you will want to be able to obtain. If your current medical billing company can provide you this data, you will have a huge head start when you make your transition.
How Much Will It Cost to Obtain Our Data?
A medical billing company may charge a fee to allow you to assume full control of your data. This is something you can come to expect, and it is fair that a fee would be charged because there will be effort needed to get your data organized and sent out to you.
With that said, you want to know what that fee is ahead of time. Alongside the fee, you also want to inquire about how much time it will take to get you that data. Once you leave your current medical billing company, you want to be sure that your data is available and accessible. You do not want any block of time during which you are unable to reach the data you need.
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