A takeback request is not something you want to get from your insurance provider. There are a few reasons these requests could come to pass, but ultimately, the insurance payors believe that they paid medical providers too much money for… Read More
Questions Patients Might Ask About Medical Bills
A lot of patients get the feeling that it will take time to learn how their medical bills work. While learning about their bills, questions are bound to pop up, so we’ll take a look at some of the questions… Read More
Methods You Can Use to Collect Patient Payments
If you want to keep your medical practice well-staffed and functional, keeping a close eye on revenue is a necessity. On top of monitoring revenue, there are certain best practices you can implement that will make collecting payments much easier…. Read More
Why You Should Consider Centralizing Utilization Review Functions
Centralizing your utilization review functions is a quality improvement measure that helps save a great deal of money, and it can help narrow gaps in coverage because of inter-rater reliability. There are a lot of companies making the transition from… Read More
Tips on Improving Urgent Care Billing
Urgent care billing undergoes many steps during the claim creation process. Because there are so many steps, mistakes can sometimes come up. With these mishaps, health facilities and clinics can go underpaid for their urgent care services. However, there are… Read More
Three Common Issues Medical Practices Make With Their Revenue Cycle
Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) is needed in order to make a medical practice as profitable as possible. A primary reason why many practices struggle with their RCM is because they are so focused on their patients, but do not put… Read More