A lot of healthcare providers will deal with audits eventually, which are needed to uncover any potential violations and errors that could cause severe repercussions for medical facilities. If you’re going to get through a payer audit, there are certain… Read More
Perks of Having Good Revenue Cycle Management
The Healthcare industry should be about providing patients the best care possible. However, treating the patient is only one piece of the process. Providers also need to have effective clinical and administrative practices to ensure they get the reimbursement they… Read More
What You Want Your Patient Payment Portal to Have
There is no denying that as a business owner, knowing the best way to make it easy for patients to pay for your services becomes crucial. In fact, if you are adamant about using a patient payment portal system, then… Read More
Possible Reasons for Patients Not Paying Their Medical Bills
Are you struggling to get patients to pay their medical bills on time? If so, you are not the only one. There are many patients who are not paying their bills in a timely fashion. While you may think this… Read More
A Guide to Help You With the Medical Claims Billing Process
Once a healthcare provider is finished providing treatment for their patients, they start the medical claims billing process. This process can appear intimidating at first, especially whenever your medical practice does not place emphasis on paperwork or doesn’t know much… Read More
Avoid Encountering Problems With FQHC Billing
Federally qualified healthcare centers (FQHCs) are playing a greater role in healthcare these days. Many now offer some specialty services as well as primary care and dental. This can make traversing the FQHC revenue cycle process and billing procedures quite… Read More
Challenges That Are Tied to Medical Billing
Healthcare providers have a lot of responsibilities during their day to day operations. It can get hectic in the medical field, and there are many challenges that come with being in such a position. Here are a few challenges that… Read More