As recently as ten years ago, people weren’t sure of what EMR or EHR was, or the differences between the two. Even today, some people still use these terms interchangeably, which can cause physicians to buy software that doesn’t give… Read More
Three Common Issues Medical Practices Make With Their Revenue Cycle
Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) is needed in order to make a medical practice as profitable as possible. A primary reason why many practices struggle with their RCM is because they are so focused on their patients, but do not put… Read More
How To Get The Most Out Of Your Revenue Cycle
Successful revenue cycle management is crucial for healthcare organizations today. It is needed for accepting forms of payment, claims processing and revenue generation. All too often, practices are missing out on money by not taking a proactive approach. There are… Read More
Medical Credentialing Best Practices
Before a new medical practice can offer its services to patients, it needs to become connected with insurances companies in order to receive financial reimbursement. To put it simply, credentialing checks a doctor’s credentials before they start working at a… Read More