Getting healthcare claims submitted is going to take a lot of work. It’s a highly complex and technical process, but if you know the fundamentals of claim submitting, you’ll have an easier time working through it. One critical detail to… Read More
How Medical Claim Denials Impact Your Industry
If you run a medical practice, you’ve undoubtedly come across claim denials at some point. While a denied claim doesn’t seem a big deal at first glance, one rejection can turn into many. As they accumulate, the loss in revenue… Read More
Improving Revenue Cycle Management with Urgent Care Billing
While a lot has changed in the past few years, the most persistent is that no matter where you go, businesses are understaffed and overworked, and people are on the edge of burnout. This is the same in most medical practices and specialty… Read More
Perks of Having Good Revenue Cycle Management
The Healthcare industry should be about providing patients the best care possible. However, treating the patient is only one piece of the process. Providers also need to have effective clinical and administrative practices to ensure they get the reimbursement they… Read More
Checklist to Have for a Medical Billing Audit
A medical billing audit is the way in which a healthcare facility can monitor its quality and compliance. All of the parts of handling a medical practice get factored into an audit, most notably being all of the processes that… Read More
What Patients Appreciate When They Visit a Medical Facility
In the medical industry, or any industry for that matter, customer satisfaction should be a top priority. If customers don’t like your facility, your facility isn’t going to last very long. Patients will not tolerate being given less than optimal… Read More
Signs That Your Revenue Cycle is Failing
No medical facility wants to lose money, and to maintain your funds, you need proper revenue cycle management. Unfortunately, some facilities don’t even know anything is wrong with their revenue cycle until they’re losing money. Fortunately, there are indicators that… Read More
Substance Abuse Billing Challenges
Medical billing is a complicated procedure, one that will typically require expert assistance. When we get into substance abuse billing, though, you get into even more specific challenges, even for people who are experts in medical coding and billing. Substance… Read More
Why You Should Use Credentialing Software
Credentialing software can do wonders for a medical facility. Whenever medical facilities are trying to find new credentialing software, there are a few questions that might go through people’s heads. Does this software have the right features? Will it save… Read More
The Dos and Don’ts of a Fee Schedule
Have you ever wondered why your medical practice isn’t making as much money as it could? It’s possible that an out-of-date fee schedule could be the source of the problem. Outdated fee schedules are found across many medical practices, which… Read More