Of all of the things you have to worry about in your medical practice, the way that you store, access, and manage patients’ health information is a big one. EHR (Electronic Health Record) systems are a widely popular solution to the issues surrounding maintaining this information. There are several types of EHR systems and most medical practices use one. The high initial cost can be reasons that you might be resistant to changing or upgrading your EHR system; however, you should not ignore these signs that the time is right to take the leap.
The Workflow Is Inflexible
When you first switched from paper-based systems to your EHR system, you probably had some stumbles as you adjusted to the workflow. With paper, the workflow is always flexible, but with an EHR system, it can feel really rigid. Hopefully this eased as you got comfortable with the system, but if it did not, that is a sign that you might need to upgrade to a better EHR system so you can focus on patient care again.
It Doesn’t Grow
Ideally, your practice is growing as you get more and more established. You need an EHR system that is ready and able to grow with you. If it cannot, it will hold you back from meeting the full potential of your practice and meeting the needs of your patients or clients.
Your Vendor Doesn’t Provide Good Service
If the customer service from your vendor doesn’t meet your standards, you’re going to be better off with a different vendor (and a different product). Similarly, if you seem to have technical issues all of the time, the problem might be with the EHR system, not you and your staff.
It Isn’t Stage 2 Meaningful Use Compliant
Entering the second stage of meaningful use requires updates to EHR system software to stay in compliance. If your vendor and current software aren’t stage 2 meaningful use compliant, they are going to hold you back.
There Are Hidden Expenses
If you’re receiving bills for things you didn’t know were added costs, and you never seem to be able to stay within your budget, this is a sign that your vendor isn’t being transparent and you should make a change.
They Aren’t Improving It
If there do not seem to be any improvements to the system in the works, it is stagnating and not going to meet your needs in the long run. The system should be upfront about what progress and improvements they are planning and when you can expect to see them so you know how to employ them for the success of your practice.
There Is Not Mobile Access
tablets and smartphones are here to stay and they are as much a part of the medical professional’s toolkit as a computer. If your EHR system only works on a computer, it will stop meeting your needs sooner than later.
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