Any healthcare facility is going to need competent front office staff. They are the first people that patients see any time they visit your building. For these staff members to provide quality service, however, it’s important to know what their roles are. Today, we’ll be covering the various responsibilities that your front office staff should perform around your medical facility.
Greeting and Receiving Patients
Since patients visit the front office before anywhere else, that means the staff running the front desk will need to greet them whenever they visit. Along with this, they need to answer any inquiries the patients may have, receive their phone calls, and help them out whenever they need to file new documents.
Help Patients Schedule Their Appointments
Whenever patients have new appointments that they need to schedule, your facility’s front office staff help to coordinate these appointments. It’s important for the staff at your front office to have strong time management skills because patients will want to get a doctor’s consultation as quickly as possible. Your staff will also need to make sure patients are appointed to the proper doctors, depending on what the patients’ needs may be.
Maintain Patient Records
Medical documents need to be properly stored, managed, and protected. Part of what your front office staff does involves making sure patients’ documents are properly organized and protected. This keeps sensitive medical information confidential while also allowing you to access whatever information you need whenever it’s needed. Your front office staff will also be responsible for updating medical records whenever patients have new information to report.
Keeping Track of Supplies and Expenses
Your front office staff also needs to monitor office inventory, equipment, and practice expenses. This involves checking the facility’s current stock, predicting what supplies will be needed in the future, and making orders for these new supplies. The staff will also have to plan any repairs and maintenance procedures that their medical equipment might need so that the equipment is ready for use whenever patients come by to visit. This way, you avoid equipment failure whenever that equipment is needed the most.
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