Until roughly a decade ago, electronic health records (EHRs) were not widely utilized across the medical field. Nowadays, they are much more widespread. Given how new this type of technology is, perhaps you’re on the fence about embracing it around your medical facility. EHRs come with their pros and cons, and we want to share them with you today.
Pros of EHRs
Electronic health records have been more widely adopted for good reason. To start, medical facilities have an easier time providing improved quality of care to their patients. This not only means their medical practices are more efficient, but it also leads to greater customer satisfaction. This helps boost patient retention rate.
Another key benefit you get with EHRs is the improved security of medical files. Medical information is highly confidential, containing some of the most sensitive information on people. Storing this information in an electronic health record means that only the right people will ever have access to it.
There’s also the convenience factor that EHRs bring. Once medical information is digitized, it can be accessed from anywhere, regardless of location. This makes accessing medical information easier and more convenient than ever before.
Cons of EHRs
While EHRs can be highly beneficial to medical facilities, there can sometimes be struggles when implementing them. The first obstacle is getting the necessary training. It takes time to learn new technology, and business efficiency can take a hit while training is happening. Once training is completed, however, efficiency should go up significantly, which helps to offset the initial loss of production.
There’s also the need to protect medical information against hackers. If there isn’t sufficient cyber protection, it can compromise your patient’s sensitive information, putting that information in the wrong hands. For this reason, it’s important to encrypt all of the devices your facility has that can access your EHR system.
Finally, EHR systems can be expensive to implement initially, especially if you want to get one that’s high quality. Fortunately, the increased efficiency that these systems offer help your facility to generate more revenue over time, making EHRs a good long-term investment.
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