Are you struggling to get patients to pay their medical bills on time? If so, you are not the only one. There are many patients who are not paying their bills in a timely fashion. While you may think this is because of insufficient funds, there are many reasons payments might not be made.
Knowing the reason payments are not made is essential for coming up with an effective solution. Here are some of the reasons your patients may not be paying their medical bills.
They Either Didn’t Get their Bills or Don’t Know They Had Them
Many providers will assume that patients are aware of their medical bills if statements get mailed. This is not always the case, especially with younger populations that might not look at their mailboxes as often as other patients.
Even when bills are noticed, they are not always addressed immediately. Sometimes, they are put to the side to be handled later.
To remedy this issue, try contacting them via text, email and mobile phone. Many people check their phones dozens of times per day, making phones a great platform for getting into contact with them.
Patients Are Confused With Their Medical Bills But Haven’t Had Time to Ask Questions About Them
If people do not know why they’re paying money for something, they’re going to be skeptical about handing it over. In the realm of medical billing, it is easy to get confused about why bills need to be paid, considering how complex the industry is.
It helps to provide billing statements that are easy to understand. Also, allow your patients to reach you both by phone and by email or some other digital platform so that you can clear up any confusion they may have about payments. The more ways they can get their questions answered, the better.
Not Enough Options for Payment Were Available to the Patients
Collecting no money at all is the worst. It is better if you can at least bring in some money, even if it’s not everything at once. Many practices, however, try to insist on patients paying their medical bills in their entirety. With such high deductible plans these days, they are not always in a position to make payments in full.
Therefore, you should provide alternative options. For example, you can create custom payment plans for your patients that work with their economic scenarios. This not only increases the likelihood of payments being made, but you’ll also establish more positive relationships with your patients when they see you are willing to adapt to their needs.
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