Electronic health record (EHR) systems have been rising in popularity across healthcare industries and providers. They make managing your medical records safer and more accessible, but something that might not come as quickly is the transition from paper to electronic record keeping. Here are some struggles you might face when implementing a new EHR system.
Staff Don’t Like the Change
While some people love EHR systems, others aren’t as keen to add one to their facility, especially if it has some initial hiccups. That’s why you must be prepared to listen to your staff’s opinions before implementing a new EHR system.
The Cost of Using Your New System
While an EHR system can be handy around a medical facility, it comes at a cost. You need to have money to afford training so your staff can use your EHR system properly, not to mention the cost of the physical infrastructure for your system. This can be challenging, especially if you have a smaller practice. Therefore, before implementing an EHR system, you should determine what costs will come with it. That way, you’ll know whether or not it’s within your budget.
Privacy Concerns
Medical documents contain highly confidential and sensitive information. It would help if you were sure the system managing your files couldn’t get breached in any way. Before you implement a new EHR system, you should ask questions to your manufacturer about the level of privacy you can expect from it. The last thing you want is to have your information lost or misappropriated due to hackers or natural disasters.
Breakups in Workflow
A medical practice will want to maintain a steady workflow throughout the day. When you implement an EHR system, however, the workflow can get slowed down a little bit since the facility needs to adjust to the new system, and your practice might need to be designed to work with the system you’re adding. If you want to prevent this issue from popping up, talk with your vendor so that they can demonstrate how to implement your new system into your medical practice properly.
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