Medical billing can be a highly complex process just on its own. When you branch into specific fields of medical billing, the complexity only heightens. One area of medical billing includes the field known as substance abuse billing. Providers in this industry are finding it tough to receive reimbursements from their payers. Today, we’ll be looking at what could give providers in the substance abuse billing industry such a challenge.
Claim Denials
A common problem in the field of substance abuse billing is that it’s difficult for providers to get reimbursed for the services they offer. This is largely in part because many of the claims that are filed in this industry end up getting denied.
Claim denials are more likely in substance abuse billing than in other fields of medical billing. This is because billing has to be done in different ways depending on whether a patient only has substance abuse issues, or if mental health issues are also in the mix.
Greater Patient Responsibility
A lot of payers have policies in place that say that substance abuse isn’t a condition, but rather a choice by the patient. Mental disorders, on the other hand, are classified as conditions that can’t be blamed on the patient.
Because of this, mental health patients will typically get higher reimbursements. All the while, substance abuse patients will incur greater financial responsibility for their treatments.
Not as Many Billing Experts
Given how complex medical billing is, and especially how complex substance abuse billing can get, it’s difficult to find people who are experts in this industry. Even if you’re able to find someone with many years of experience providing substance abuse treatment, it could still be difficult to get reimbursed.
Understanding ICD-10 Codes Can Get Overwhelming
ICD-10 has a lot of different billing codes that relate to substance abuse, comprised of several thousand codes. To be successful in substance abuse billing, having a thorough understanding of these billing codes is mandatory, and it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer number of codes that must be followed. On top of this, if codes aren’t followed, it will come at the expense of your practice.
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