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Challenges That Are Tied to Medical Billing

Challenges That Are Tied to Medical Billing
Here are a few challenges that people in the medical billing industry face.

Healthcare providers have a lot of responsibilities during their day to day operations. It can get hectic in the medical field, and there are many challenges that come with being in such a position. Here are a few challenges that people in the medical billing industry face.

Patient Education

Providers face struggles with educating their patients on the portion of the medical billing they will be responsible for. When patients are ill-informed, they are not as likely to make their payments. This can be remedied through various tools available in the EHR and billing software.

Timely Payments

Getting payments in a timely manner is easier said than done. Collecting payments from an insurance company or directly from the patient requires timely filing of correct claims and statements. The right medical billing software can raise the likelihood that payments get made in a timely fashion.

Patient Payment Accessibility

Timely patient payments may be directly influenced by the software you use. Some companies have out-of-date software, while others have no software at all. Make sure you offer as many options for payments as you can. This should include web based, text, and email, payment options.

Quality Customer Support

A medical billing vendor should always offer high quality, U.S. based, services. Doing this will allow your team to resolve operations problems that pop up. Medical billing providers that have minimal customer support will not optimize their software very often, nor will the software be used to its maximum capacity.

Filing Multiple Claims

It can be a frustrating task filing many claims. This is especially true for specialty providers. If you do not have a bundled claim creation tool, files can only be done one at a time. This serves as a huge detriment, cutting down drastically on the efficiency of a medical practice.


Denied claims are one of the most frustrating obstacles people in the medical billing field face. Medical billing codes are constantly changing, making it difficult to reach your practice’s goals and stay on the right track. If practices have the right tools, their clean claims can go up dramatically, to as much as 99% first pass. 


Lacking medical billing resources is a problem because it will leave you forced to handle things in a more traditional manner. Medical billing tools are vital because they help maintain clean claims and net your practice the most revenue.

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