Just like with most specialties, physical therapy and occupational billing have their own special coding and billing obstacles. Providers have to understand the guidelines every payer follows for their time-based reporting, and they have to make sure they count carefully…. Read More
Denial Appeal Tips for Denied Medical Claims
When you need a medical claim, you don’t want to be concerned about whether or not your insurance covers it. Unfortunately, there are many reasons why a medical claim can be denied. But there are steps you can take towards… Read More
Denial Management Tips to Help You Lower Your Claim Rejections
Medical billing plays a substantial role in the financial success of a practice. When claims get rejected, it can seriously harm the cash flow a practice may have. Denied medical claims can cost practices a significant amount of money, so… Read More
Five Helpful Denial Management Tips
Regarding healthcare claims being processed, you want to have a system in place that maximizes the efficiency of handling denied claims. Many Healthcare entities get concerned working with claims, especially when those claims get denied. You need to identify any… Read More